Aging is a natural process and a privilege. While aging is inevitable, it doesn’t mean that you can’t slow it down. Yes, growing old is normal but that doesn’t mean you have to look old. Growing old and getting to a certain age is a gift but looking youthful is something you should focus on more. Growing old is normal but looking old is definitely optional!
How to stay youthful
You can’t avoid growing old but you can always choose to look and feel youthful. After all, looking younger is not just about having a younger age but knowing how to take care of yourself inside and out. Here are some of the most effective ways to maintain a youthful look no matter what your age is:
- Drink plenty of water
Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to keep your skin hydrated. Dull and dry skin can make you look older. Plus, dehydration causes the skin to wrinkle. By drinking enough water, your skin cells are hydrated and replenished making your skin glow and look fresh.
- Stay out of the sun
Some sunlight is good for you but getting too much UV ray exposure can damage your skin’s collagen production. Too much sun can also cause your body to produce elastin, a type of protein responsible for skin elasticity. You will start to notice that your skin feels thick and has a rough feel with deep wrinkles. If you can’t avoid staying under the sun, make sure to wear proper attire such as long sleeves, and don’t forget to apply sunscreen with higher SPF.
- Eat healthy foods
Eating healthy foods can decrease your risk of developing certain illnesses such as heart diseases that can sap your youthful energy. Eating more vegetables and fruits and consuming them on a regular basis will result in better skin complexion and a healthier body.
- Exercise
Make sure you exercise daily even if it is just walking for 30 minutes. Regular exercise can strengthen your muscles, boost your energy, and improve your mood allowing you to feel good and younger.
- Get enough sleep
Getting enough sleep can do wonders for your skin. When you don’t have plenty of sleep, your body will release more cortisol, a hormone that breaks down collagen making your skin look dry and wrinkled. Rejuvenate your body daily by making sure you take a rest so your body will be ready the next morning.
- Quit smoking
If you are a smoker, consider quitting. Tobacco can cause your skin to sag plus it lessens consistent blood flow, slowing down your body’s production of collagen.
- Moisturize your skin
Dry skin can give you that rough and scaly look making you look older. Make sure to moisturize your skin with cream at least twice a day to keep your skin fresh.
- Always smile
Smiling always does wonders to your face. Smiling a lot makes you look happier and appear younger!
- Limit alcohol and caffeine intake
Consumed in moderation alcohol and caffeine are fine but drinking too much of these can wreak havoc on your skin.
- Follow a good skin care regimen
Make sure to follow a proper skincare routine. Having healthy skin makes you look and feel younger.
Forget growing old but learn how to age gracefully and youthfully! Keep that healthy glow and radiant appearance for longer by doing these tips mentioned above.