Reduction, Not Removal
Despite the name of the procedure, laser hair removal only gives an overall reduction in hair growth. The reduction is extremely noticeable, and it can provide a great alternative for people with sensitive skin and a tendency to develop razor burn and ingrown hairs, but it does not completely, permanently remove hair. Women who get the procedure often report that hormone-affected hairs will grow back as normal during menopause or pregnancy, so make sure you ask your specialist questions about your treatment and what you should reasonably expect down the line so you can make the most informed decision.
The Pain Is Bearable
Contrary to what some may assume upon hearing the name “laser hair removal,” the pain is not unbearable. Many who have experienced it describe the pain as snapping rubber bands, but generally speaking, it’s extremely brief. The intensity is dependent upon factors like skin sensitivity, color of hair and skin, the optional use of topical anaesthetics, and the type of laser system used. Rest assured that these procedures are much shorter and far less intense than any tattoo session.
Treatment Will Vary
Laser hair removal is not a one-size-fits-all procedure. Depending on skin or hair color, procedure length, side effects, and pain will vary. On average, it is more difficult to treat lighter hair and darker skin because of the way lasers target hairs: via the pigment in them. Darker hairs have more pigment, and the laser works better on them. However, if your skin is dark, it may absorb more of the laser and cause skin irritation. The LightSheer DUET laser system has a cooling applicator to help offset these problems, so hair removal can still be possible for dark-skinned individuals. Some laser hair removal offices will refuse to treat individuals with light hair, usually from blonde to white or gray. Be aware that treatment may be ineffective for lighter hair.
You Need a Doctor Present
Whether you decide to go to a doctor’s office or a spa for the procedure, you need a doctor to ensure that your appointments are safe and effective. It is best to have a doctor with any kind of aesthetic specialty (plastic surgery or dermatology, for example) because they receive training on laser hair removal. Always make sure that your pre-procedure examinations are administered in-house by the resident doctor; tests need to be run for various factors such as allergies and skin sensitivity that cannot be run online and should only be administered by a doctor.
It’s Completely Safe
The only way for a laser system to do any kind of serious damage to a body would be if the laser came into contact with the eyes, which is easily prevented by use of safety goggles during the procedure. Any irritation or tenderness of the skin will fade within weeks, and there are no lasting side effects besides– obviously– slower hair regrowth.