In this post, we’re going to take a look at what permanent cosmetic makeup is and what it can do for you.
What is permanent cosmetic makeup?
We’re glad you asked. Permanent cosmetic makeup is basically cosmetic tattooing. There is a variety of terms that are used for permanent cosmetic makeup, but they all boil down to the same concept: pigment is deposited into a layer of your skin and then stays there permanently.
How are these procedures performed?
Permanent cosmetic makeup procedures are done using a variety of different machines, including of course the traditional tattoo machine. There is even a non-machine hand procedure that’s done in certain circumstances. The whole procedure includes a complimentary consultation, a process where the pigment is applied, and then one or more follow-up visits in order to decide if the healing process has gone along well.
Who would benefit from permanent cosmetic makeup?
The people who would benefit the most from permanent cosmetic makeup would be first and foremost those who pass the legal age requirement as well as those who can heal well from minor wounds. Interest in this procedure spans from the young to the older in age, and it especially appeals to people who want to gently augment their own natural appearance. It’s especially useful for those people who have skin allergies or sensitivities to traditional makeup, or for those who want to look at their best during athletic events. Lastly, it’s perfect for those people who don’t want to worry about sweating off their makeup and constantly having to reapply it.
This procedure also benefits those who are visually impaired so that they too can have beautiful makeup or those with dexterity issues such as arthritis that make it difficult if not impossible to apply traditional makeup. It also simply appeals to those who are simply too busy to be removing and reapplying makeup all the time. In a fast-paced world such as ours, some people just want to be able to have their makeup ready to go without needing to remove or reapply.
What types of permanent cosmetic makeup procedures can be done?
The different procedures for permanent cosmetic makeup can be very subtle or dramatic depending on what you want to have done. They include having your eyebrows done, your eyeliner both top and bottom, lip liner, lip color, and blend, and scar camouflage, hair imitation, beauty marks, areola repigmentation, and lash enhancement. Some of these procedures are going to require more advanced techniques. As such, they’ll require an experienced technician who has advanced training.
Is permanent cosmetic makeup actually permanent?
Permanent cosmetic makeup is indeed permanent since the makeup is tattooed onto the body. However, as with any tattoo, the makeup will need to be touched up from time to time because of color fading that often occurs as a result of the natural aging process. This fading is the result of the same natural process that requires a touch up of faded hair coloring or furniture that’s exposed to the sun. The color simply needs to be reapplied after a period of time in order to stay fresh and current. This periodic maintenance is a great opportunity to reevaluate what you want in a color and a design.
While making something permanent might seem like a great idea at the time, simply think about how often you go through changes in fashion. When it comes to issues of permanent cosmetic makeup, this truly is permanent. The fact that you’ll need a touch up is a good thing, as this means that you can reevaluate what you wanted in your color or design and then have those changes made during the process of reapplication of pigment.
How much permanent cosmetic makeup cost?
The average cost is going to vary from procedure to procedure, but it will tend to average between $400 and $800. More advanced work can be charged at $150 to $250 per hour. These are referred to as paramedical procedures. As such, the cost of the procedure should not be the only thing that you take into account. You should also look at things such as the experience of the practitioner and the relative skill of the practitioner. If you’re not satisfied with the experience and skill level of your practitioner, needless to say, you should be going elsewhere.
How long does a permanent cosmetic makeup procedure take?
The overall initial procedure will generally take anywhere from two to two and a half hours. Records have to be established, photographs have to be taken, the desired color and pigmentation has to be decided upon from a large array of colors and pigments, then the actual procedure needs to be performed. All of this takes some time.
Wouldn’t it be great if there was the capability to have makeup placed permanently on your face? You wouldn’t need to deal with the hassle of putting it on every day and taking it back off. What’s more, you’d be able to save hundreds if not thousands on makeup that you’d otherwise be buying annually, allowing you to use that money on more important things like groceries and debt consolidation. Luckily for you, that possibility exists right now with permanent cosmetic makeup. This is a procedure that’s quick and easy and after one application will have you looking at your very best.