With COVID-19 threatening the world, there are a lot of preventative steps and measures done to ensure this virus will be contained, if not stopped, immediately. Health experts are urging people to practice healthy hygiene, stay inside their homes and observe social distancing. If you have been going out almost every day to get to work, this might be a new experience for you. You don’t get to dress up and do your makeup like you always do. With this, your skin may also react to this abrupt change through breakouts.
Skin experts always remind us to remove makeup before going to sleep because it is unhealthy for the skin. But when you suddenly stop wearing makeup, your skin may go through a phase called “skin purge”. This may be a normal reaction to your skin, but it is still crucial to manage skin breakouts in order to restore the health of your skin.
During this quarantine period, your skin may not deal with a lot of stress and free radicals but it doesn’t mean that your skin is not at risk of certain problems. For example, when you suddenly stop wearing makeup, overexposure to air conditioning and lack of Vitamin D may cause some skin issues. Here are some things you can do to keep your skin healthy:
- Cleanse twice a day
Even if you are not wearing makeup, don’t forget to clean your face at least twice a day. You can use a refreshing gel to help deal with excess oil or dirt.
- Exfoliate
Staying at home all the time doesn’t give an excuse not to exfoliate. Exfoliation is an important part of a skincare routine because it helps remove dead cells and rejuvenate your skin cells. Do this once or twice a week to avoid clogged pores and breakouts.
- Do not apply makeup
When you notice that your skin is breaking out as part of the “skin purge”, do not deal with the breakout by applying makeup. Covering the breakout isn’t advisable because it will clog the pores of the skin. The best thing to do is give your skin a break, remove excess oil, keep it clean, and let it heal.
- Use serums and hydrating cream
Keep your skin healthy by applying a skin serum on your skin once you are done cleaning. It keeps your skin hydrated and protects it from getting dry because of staying in an airconditioned room for a long time.
- Staying healthy
The skin cells get their energy from your body’s blood and oxygen supply so be sure to stick with the basics – eat healthy foods, drink lots of water and get plenty of sleep. If watching the news about the rising COVID-19 statistics stresses you, then destress yourself by listening to relaxing music instead.
With the current state we are in today, it’s easier for you to get stressed and feel anxious causing you to deny yourself the care and love you deserved. Be kind to yourself and your skin – now is the perfect time to let your skin breathe and remain positive.