With the weather getting colder and the wind getting sharper, it’s now more crucial than ever to make sure to take care of your skin. The harshness of winter can cause some serious damage, and if you don’t take the proper steps to stay exfoliated and moisturized, you’ll find your skin will start feeling dull and dry. No one wants rough, chapped skin! There are many treatments out there that can help you maintain that bright summer glow and a lot of them are available at Denude Med Spa. From chemical peels to microdermabrasion, there is bound to be something for you.
Why is Winter Bad for the Skin?
In the winter, two crucial things happen that affect our skin, temperatures get colder and humidity levels drop. These two things combined can make the air really dry, and dry air is terrible for our skin because it sucks the moisture right out of it. During the winter, winds also tend to be a lot stronger. These strong winds can whip away at your skin, causing the outer layer of cells to dry out and die. Killing the outermost layer of your skin cells also effectively destroys your skin’s moisture barrier. This is bad because your moisture barrier is what prevents your skin from losing the moisture it already contains. In short, winter can be terrible for your skin because it dries it out and damages your natural moisture barrier.
What Can I Do?
There are plenty of things you can do! For one, it’s really important to make sure you’re moisturizing regularly with a lotion or cream. These products normally hydrate the skin a bit, but the most important thing they do is create a barrier between your skin and the air so that moisture doesn’t leach out. The best time to moisturize would probably be right after you take a shower. Your skin will already be quenched from bathing, so putting lotion or cream on afterward would help lock all that goodness in. You should be sure to apply lotion to your skin if you notice it feeling particularly dry or rough as well.
You can also find many options at spas! Things like exfoliation can be risky, and it’s often hard to know if you’re doing it correctly. To make sure you’re getting the best results, we recommend getting treatments done at a spa or med spa. These places normally offer things like facials and body wraps, which are amazing for keeping the skin smooth, moisturized, and blemish-free. Services like chemical peels, which are a type of intense exfoliation meant to resurface younger-looking skin, and microdermabrasion, which is a gentle type of exfoliation that uses fine crystals to polish dead cells from the skin, are amazing for buffing away already damaged skin.
Denude Med Spa offers facials, microdermabrasion, chemical peel, and more that can help you achieve the glowing, hydrated skin you’ve always wanted, so come and visit us soon!